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Mobile applications? Ionic!

A powerful tool for cross-platform mobile app development.

Our best pieces in Ionic

„Rockero develops bespoke inventory software that enables companies to quickly and easily take and evaluate their inventory of stock and assets. What we appreciate about the collaboration is the systematic approach, adherence to the implementation schedule and round-the-clock project support.“

Marek Petráni, Leite Group s.r.o.

DameJidlo VoZP FootShop Ostrava!!!
CannaCare CandyCane Sareza Zrcé Festival
MS!C MyFoodPlace Placement MSVK

Why Ionic?

One code, two platforms

The development of hybrid Ionic apps is up to half the speed of two separate iOS and Android apps. In addition, Ionic includes many components that automatically adapt to the platform.

Access to hardware

Ionic doesn't restrict access to the hardware, so it's no problem to use the device to its full potential.

Web technologies

Applications are created similarly to websites. This makes them easier to edit and manage and promotes reusability of components.

Fast prototyping

In the implementation phase, preparing the AI is a matter of a few days. You can see the results right away and make better decisions about the future direction of development.


„Ionic allows you to create high-quality multi-platform applications using only web technologies. It offers a wide selection of UI components, custom icons and many plugins that access directly to native device elements. And among other things, it has a large developer community behind it.„

Ivan Píša, Rockero s.r.o.

Support for all major JS libraries

Flexible and robust solutions.

Let's find a solution for you

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